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 What's your most unusual ESP gift?

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Number of posts : 304
Age : 34
Location : The Astral Realm.
Humor : Quirky, dry, quick, witty.
Registration date : 2008-12-06

What's your most unusual ESP gift? Empty
PostSubject: What's your most unusual ESP gift?   What's your most unusual ESP gift? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 7:12 am

What's your most unusual gift(s)?

Do you like it? Why? How long have you been doing it? Did you get it as a concequence of something? (such as the death of a close friend or family member, puberty/ageing, etc.) What does it do? Does it have a name that you're aware of?


My most unusual gift is being able to bend objects, such as laptop screens, showers & walls with my mind. I do it by not concentrating on the object (if I do concentrate, it doesn't work) and then imagining the energy that object is made out of, melting or becoming lighter Smile I'm not sure if this has a name however I've found it's quite common for people to do it with smaller objects such as spoons Smile
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