| | About Lightworkers. | |
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Anasopiah Admin
Number of posts : 304 Age : 34 Location : The Astral Realm. Humor : Quirky, dry, quick, witty. Registration date : 2008-12-06
| Subject: About Lightworkers. Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:34 am | |
| What is a "Lightworker"?Board term - Anyone who in their heart is committed to helping others grow in love is a Light Worker A more Specific Term - A Light Worker is a spiritual being who incarnated for the purpose of spreading love and light. Certain situations act as a catalyst for their own awakening and remembrance of what it is they came to earth to do. - They radiate an amazing presence and through their being a quickening is extended to all they meet - They are therefore a catalyst for others growth - A person who strongly resonates with the information coming from spirit at this time of ascension - A lightworker may be an American healer Indian Native Seer, contact hands healer or catholic healer or other religion spirital healer. Are you a Lightworker? Find out! Answer the following questions: - Do you feel a sense of time urgency within you?
- Do you feel draw to help humanity?
- Do you feel draw to spirituality?
- Do you get a persistent ringing sound in your ear?
- Have you been told by others that you are too sensitive?
- Do you feel different from others?
- Do you believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation?
- Do you know that you are here for a higher purpose?
If you answered yes to these questions and resonate with the definitions of a Light Worker given, the chance is that you are a light worker, however only you can truly answer this question for yourself. History of Lightworkers.Nobody knows when the first Light Worker incarnated, however it is possible that they have always been present. The Light Workers born in the 1940's known as the baby boomers encouraged the development of their children's spirituality and were part of the 'hippy' movement. The children of these Light Workers are known as star seeds. Later on, Light Workers born from the late 1980's became known as the "indigo children" who came to assist us with our next stage in evolution. Throughout history Light Workers have incarnated to bring love to the planet, however the "new age movement" was set up by Lightworkers so that forthcoming lightworkers had a foundation to work from. Lightworkers Tools.A Lighter Worker may use different extrasensory perceptions as tools for spreading light. Some of these include: - Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
- Clairaudience (clear hearing)
- Claircognizance (clear knowing)
- Clairsentience (clear 'feeling')
- Clairalience (clear smelling)
- Clairambience (clear tasting)
They may also use physical tools for example crystals and herbal drops. Can I learn to become one?Yes, anyone of any age, gender race or religion can be a Light Worker. With the intention to assist humanity, evolve your ability to be a Light Worker will manifest itself. This was adapted from http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/definition-of-lightworker.html - a large amount of the content is not my own so I therefore do not take any responsibility or credit for the content of this article. | |
Number of posts : 15 Location : England Humor : Dry!! Registration date : 2009-01-04
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:12 am | |
| Board term - Anyone who in their heart is committed to helping others grow in love is a Light Worker
A more Specific Term - A Light Worker is a spiritual being who incarnated for the purpose of spreading love and light. Certain situations act as a catalyst for their own awakening and remembrance of what it is they came to earth to do. - They radiate an amazing presence and through their being a quickening is extended to all they meetSorry- but how contradictory is this???? On the one hand anyone who feels love for their fellow humans can now call themselves a lightworker- then another definition- this time they have incarnated with that purpose??? It's this whole labelling thing again..... I have met people who say "I am a lightworker" wth such a sense of ego and superiority, as though they are something to be held in awe at- when the only energy radiating from them is one of greed, egotism and utter contempt for the person who hangs on their every word! How is that lightworking??? Others I have met who would never dream of labelling themselves- they simply are what they are, and the wonderufl pure energy they give off is hummbling.... And "can I learn to be one"? Hang on, weren't they supposedly incarnated as one??? Surely you are one, if you have incarnated??? It's like people becoming reiki master in one weekend course from zero to hero- Does their certificate say I became a healer in only one week-end? No, and the poor person who goes along in all faith pays for nothing more than a con. So many people are jumping on the bandwagon at the moment- I find it extremely worrying because what happens when there are more charlatons than the real thing and the general public wake up to this fact? Then the real spirituality is dissed and people turn away- as they can never be certain who is the real deal anymore. Its happening right now and it will only get worse....just take a look at some of the forums out there- full of mini gods!!! It makes me very sad | |
| | | Anasopiah Admin
Number of posts : 304 Age : 34 Location : The Astral Realm. Humor : Quirky, dry, quick, witty. Registration date : 2008-12-06
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:16 am | |
| Personally I believe "lightworking" is a term reserved only for those who work with the light to heal the Earth and her inhabitance. It comes with responsability, not pride. If you look up "Earth Angels" you will find the same thing plastered all over the internet as books seem to stick with the same opinion lol. At one point in my life, I was full of ego. It needed a good friend to tell me that I was to make me snap out of it. I never tell anyone what I am now, or what I've learnt about me since then - I will tell them the basics if NEEDED - which as you can imagine is rarely. It's easy to let ego take over... but ego has no space in spirituality that I can see. A Mythical being told me something about myself that I was so sure was my ego making it up that I denied it so much. It took the being to force me to his home world and then make me see, make me feel in my heart if it was true, and also a real person from that homeland to tell me. She knew he'd visited me without me telling her, scaptic, yet, however it was nice how it happened. People who say they are this and that.... they shouldn't. The more you are the more responsability you have. Just like the more psychic gifts you have, the more responsability (in my opinion). Idealy you need the same amount for each gift you have, it's about respect... not ego... My latest accounts of mini-gods trying to hammer me for my beliefs was only yesterday. Sad isn't it? | |
Number of posts : 15 Location : England Humor : Dry!! Registration date : 2009-01-04
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:01 pm | |
| Hmmmm- not good when an opinion expressed is met with hostility and lack of respect. I suppose, if you feel the need to say how it is for you, so to speak, it automatically opens up an invitation to be attacked because by doing so you invite comment, both positive and negative. (By you I dont mean you specifically but more a generalisation) I always ask what is it I want from expressing an opinion or view? Is it more a retorical way of expressing myself to get the answer, or do I really seek another's opinion and am i prepared for their response? Does it actually matter what another opinion is? Of course it is nice when people agree with you, but what is it really that I want from doing that, regardless of the reply received?? I prefer to remain out of the fray, so to speak, tho i admire anyone who speaks up for their beliefs with conviction- providing, of course, that it is not at the expense of someone else or to gratify their ego! Personally, and i think we are on the same lines with this- I beleieve that those who shout the loudest about who they are are trying to convice themselves more than anything- and that speaks volumes as far as I am concerned xxAHAxx | |
| | | Anasopiah Admin
Number of posts : 304 Age : 34 Location : The Astral Realm. Humor : Quirky, dry, quick, witty. Registration date : 2008-12-06
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:11 pm | |
| To be honest, I just have this ringing in my head that says "all religions and beliefs are equal, none are more important than another". I just don't get why others can't see that too? Greet respect with respect. I've just been too naive to think that everyone in spirituality was nice. I respect peoples opinions, but not at the expense of my beliefs to make themselves look good and like a God, because they are not and never will be. | |
Number of posts : 15 Location : England Humor : Dry!! Registration date : 2009-01-04
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:26 pm | |
| Naivity is a pure state of being before it is tempered with the steel of life I like that But you have learned from the experience and can move on, keeping your heart open to receive but your sense of discernment developing..... | |
| | | Anasopiah Admin
Number of posts : 304 Age : 34 Location : The Astral Realm. Humor : Quirky, dry, quick, witty. Registration date : 2008-12-06
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:28 pm | |
| ok I will do lol. | |
| | | Te Rama
Number of posts : 15 Age : 52 Location : New Zealand Humor : hot and wet or arid to stone cold to savagely funny Registration date : 2011-06-19
| Subject: Re: About Lightworkers. Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:01 pm | |
| see this is how i like to see it. | |
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